
At HepcoAutomation we offer advanced automation solutions from complete turnkey systems to specialised tooling. Our systems are designed using the latest high performance mechanical and motion control products, providing you with reliable, low maintenance automation solutions.

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From Concept
to Completion

Initial project meeting

Even if you only have a very rough sketch, our experienced design team will be happy to work with you to develop your ideas.

Design concept produced

Following the initial meeting, we will take your ideas and turn them into an achievable concept.

We have the knowledge and experience to create innovative systems using the latest design techniques.

Design concept presented

We will meet with you to present the design concept and ensure it’s matching your criteria.

Close attention is paid throughout the process to ensure your requirements are being met.

Concept Approved

3D working design

Once you have approved our concept, we will produce a detailed 3D working design so you can fully visualise the system.

Completed design presented

Matching the solution to suit your goals, we will present the completed design to you. Any final amends can be discussed before manufacturing starts.

In-house manufacturing

We use components either manufactured by us or from approved partners and suppliers. We have no need to outsource and provide the complete solution for your convenience.

Build and test

We will assemble and test your system from our 100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art premises to make sure your system is working effectively.

On-site installation

We provide an on-site commissioning and installation service to ensure a smooth set up at your premises.


High quality training is essential for successful operation. HepcoAutomation provides bespoke training to to ensure you get the most from your investment and to ensure your system is running efficiently.


We provide all the necessary documents, individual to your needs, including risk assessments, manuals and CE markings.

Continuing support

With a customer-focused approach to every application, our support team is here to provide excellent after-sales customer service.

Find out the range of services that HepcoAutomationTM offers

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